

台北 鳳梨酥

弟弟現在是很喜歡吃台北 鳳梨酥的,我就說要不要我給你買台北 鳳梨酥吃呢,但是我家裡的人說你就不要吃台北 鳳梨酥了,一個男孩子怎麼那麼喜歡吃台北 鳳梨酥呢,我說他們喜歡吃那麼就去吃吧,也不要管那麼多了,我有的時候是覺得,我家裡的人好像對我弟弟的要求是很嚴格的,但是對我卻沒有那麼嚴格,可能他們覺得我是女孩子吧,是不需要管那麼多的,我自己是覺得,吃的事情上是不需要去管的,因為是他自己的愛好,但是有的時候你還是要好好想想該怎麼去做的。



Taiwan Taipei hotel

The time and my family went to the Taiwan Taipei Hotel live, because I was the first time Taiwan Taipei hotel such a hotel, so I was very happy, I think we at Taiwan Taipei Hotel live, Is it right? Spend a lot of money, but my mom said you don’t tube so many things, we take you to Taiwan Taipei Hotel, you don’t want to so much, I do not know my people that is what, anyway, I now think, if I and my family together to talk, then I won’t have what not good feeling, but in the end I was very happy.

自助 婚紗

老公說給你去買自助 婚紗吧,我說你怎麼想到要給我買自助 婚紗呢,他說你自己是要好好看看你到底適不適合穿自助 婚紗的,我說我們去了才知道呢,他說就是要你自己去呢,其實我有的時候覺得我老公對於我的事情比我還緊張呢,我覺得這樣的他是很帥氣的,但是他說你就不要多想了,我只是為了我們在結婚的那天你漂漂亮亮的,他就是那樣會為你做很多事情,但是就是不願意口頭上承認的類型,我也不知道這樣的他是好呢還是不好呢。

新竹 酒店

好不容易才找到新竹 酒店,我這個人一出家門就不認識方向,所以來這邊人生地不熟的,本來早就適應到的,但是因為在路上浪費太多時間,所以到新竹 酒店的時候都已經過了晚飯時間了,我朋友說我下次還是不要再逞強了,直接坐計程車過來比較好,萬一找不到路走丟了怎麼辦,雖然很不喜歡他說的不過這也是事實,本來我走在半路上的時候就想坐車了,可是又想新竹 酒店又不遠,就想自己走過來,事實證明像我這樣記不清路的還是不要隨便在外地走。



Taipei Boutique Hotel

A good friend is getting married, the wedding date has been set down, he asked me to help him find the hotel, this is my sorrow, I don’t know about this point, if they find the hotel people feel not good to do, it’s good friend’s wedding, brother like a friend working in a Hotel, do not know how, I let my brother to inquire, to the wedding, my brother asked me, said his friend works in Taipei Boutique Hotel, people often go Taipei Boutique Hotel inside the wedding, reflecting the still good, brother said I can find Taipei Boutique Hotel, said that the inside of the environment is very good, very suitable for the wedding

5 star luxury hotel in singapore

Boyfriend is going to take me to the Singapore Tourism, and then went to live after the 5 star luxury hotel in singapore inside, I was reminded of a friend said to me last time he went to 5 star luxury hotel in singapore environment extremely good position must Jia, services improvement. Integration into the essence of the elements of East and West, to show incisive design. Then I was so excited, I really want to think it’ll go the Singapore Tourism ah, and then go and see 5 star luxury hotel in singapore is not so good as the friend said. Boyfriend says he has given me booked tickets tomorrow, finally have such an opportunity to travel with her ​​boyfriend, I’ll hurry back to pack up, take salute ready to go.

