where to stay in Taipei

I finally get married and my girlfriend, just married, to take a wife to go on their honeymoon, wife like Taipei, that want to honeymoon in Taipei, so I had to accompany her to go to Taipei, but where to stay in Taipei, where to stay in Taipei really become the problems we are facing, we are strangers in Taipei, so I don’t know where to stay in Taipei, later in the web site to see related to where to stay in Taipei related issues, know we don’t have to worry about where to stay in Taipei, as long as the two of us happy happy, other problems can be solved, so the where to stay in Taipei is not a problem.


一想到哥哥要通過貸款買車,我就有點不太願意,用我哥哥的話來說我就是一個思想守舊的人,有時候我也覺得是自己的思想太落後了,而且回到家裡之後我老公也說我,說是哥哥通過貸款買車是一件好事情,讓我不要鉆牛角尖,我聽了老公的話之後,自己也細細想了一下,覺得哥哥的這個決定是對的,畢竟要是有車的話我哥哥每個月還可以多 賺一點錢呢,所以我就給哥哥找熟人,托關係,還好他的手續也很齊全,所以很順利的辦理下來了貸款。哥哥也很滿意。

日本 投資物業

之前有過日本 投資物業的想法,不過那個時候日本的地產行業不是很活躍,感覺沒有投資的前景,於是就放棄了這個想法,但是這幾年真的很不一樣,因為日本政府對經濟的各種扶持,現在日本的地產行業也是相當不錯,我決定去做日本 投資物業,因為我覺得很有前景,而且投資的話也不需要以前那麼多的資金,我現在完全可以拿下一個物業投資的,不過到底要怎麼做日本 投資物業還是要好好考慮好,這個我不擔心,有好的項目,我肯定會出手的。

Taipei luxury hotel

A good friend has to travel back to the place I muttered her how good, how beautiful Taipei luxury hotel, was just feeling, she said good exaggeration ah, hotel is about the same, what is out of the ordinary, she came back so get excited over a little thing, specifically mentioning, I not to regard it as right to say to her, and she laughed too little experience. But when I went there I found less experience than she, but i! Taipei luxury hotel, what attract sb.’s attention name, a door to the service, the decoration, the environment, the…… Wow, it is so beautiful, my eyes to see, really want to stay here this much good! But no way, always want to leave, then while here and enjoy it!

kenting boutique hotel

A few days is my cousin’s wedding, he must be very busy, and on his advice, I responsible for foreign families living these days. First of all I booked the Kenting Boutique Hotel, mainly because I was working in the Kenting Boutique Hotel, I work in the Kenting boutique hotel inside a few years time, I am also very understanding of our hotel, the environment is also very good, but also very atmosphere decoration, very unique, warm, and all aspects of our hotel. The service is first class, I think the bride’s family to come, will be on my schedule is very satisfactory.






以前的我真的是挺胖的,但是自從試了抽脂減肥方法之後,我變瘦了,現在不管是哪個季節我都可以穿自己喜歡的衣服了,我真的挺開心的。在做 抽脂減肥朮之前,我也有是很多的減肥方法,但是效果都不怎麼樣,為了讓自己瘦下來,我真的是廢了很多精力,就在我減肥失望的時候,朋友告訴了我這個抽脂減肥法,我就趕緊做了這個 抽脂減肥朮,我覺得真的是太有效果了,我現在瘦了,整個人也變得自信了不少,我覺得這個 抽脂減肥方法真的很不錯。



Ximending luxury hotel

Remember the last time I went to Ximending luxury hotel is already two years ago, want to have a look around the area now, just take it as a vacation, had to Ximending luxury hotel to make my memory deep, my husband and I had a fight, a fight that badly, I left home to travel, came to the West Town, on the night of the heavy rain because of a quarrel, I am very sad, also did not hold up an umbrella, late at night, I went to the Ximending luxury hotel Ximending luxury hotel rest, just came to the door, there are two staff walked to come over, with a coat on my wet body, I’m cold tremble, did not expect the Ximending luxury hotel service they made me put ginger, take a shower water, feel very warm, good sleep, go to the Ximending luxury hotel is also home to ximending.