

kenting boutique hotel

I am now working in Taipei for a few years, my parents have never seen me in Taipei, I am also good months to go home once a few days ago and my parents were talking and I was thinking either take them out together Wan Jitian, they are so much older, but good health now have the opportunity to play with them to bring them out of Wan Jitian good so I bought a ticket to help parents, my parents finally come time I booked kenting boutique hotel, but wait for them to come, I take them to kenting boutique hotel how they are reluctant to go, and that I this is a waste. They can come out to play very happy, I heard my parents say that I was also aware that they are very frugal in my time, may live kenting boutique hotel for them too wasted. I can only change a heavy, anyway as long as they are happy.

Ximending boutique hotel

Yesterday I went to my cousin’s, the cousin of the wedding is really too is stick a cousin’s wedding was held in Ximending boutique hotel, when I came to this Ximending boutique hotel all the time I have been attracted here a, Ximending boutique hotel atmosphere is really high-end quality, very perfect, complete wedding already held that day my mother and I still Ximending boutique hotel accommodation for a night, which is my husband gave us a good set that night I am pleased to have sleep, because I wanted to enjoy some good in this hotel, so perfect feel good atmosphere. As for today, when we left I was particularly sad.



京都 住宿

之前公司安排我去出差本來我們公司安排著酒店,可是他們又怕我去住著不習慣就說讓我自己在日本找一家自己喜歡的酒店住著,等回到國內的時間公司會全額報銷呢,我一聽到這個消息我就特別開心了,我終於可以住在自己喜歡的京都 住宿里面呢,之前每次出差公司都沒有給我訂到京都 住宿讓我很是生氣,這次他們難得通情達理讓我自己來挑選酒店,這次我能不開心不激動呢嗎?其實說起京都 住宿的好我不得不吐槽了那環境沒得說,那服務肯定是一流,那衛生更是不得了,一般情況下只要是自己選擇我總是選擇京都 住宿。




轉骨真的有那牛麼,從去年的時候我就聽我別的同學說, 大學同學小雨去做了一個轉骨,剛開始我不明白轉骨是做什麽的,後來我才知道原來就是這個轉骨,可是刺激骨骼的二次發育,長個子的。可是沒想到我前兩天見到小雨的時候,小雨現在的個子都不多都有一米八幾了,比我都高出一截,記得我們上學的時候,小雨經常神我們欺負,他在我們一群人里是人子最小的一個,沒想到這個轉骨這麼的神,可是讓他現在有了一米八幾的個子,我都無法相信自己的眼睛了。

kyoto hotel

I wanted to go out to play with my brother, because he has recently been idle at home, I heard that is because the school holidays and he doesn’t have to go to cram school, I’m just going to recently went to Kyoto side stroll, in Kyoto Hotel booked a room, want to take him to go. As a result, he did not wait for I set out on his own to the, seemed to find his students to play, I remember he had a lot of students in Kyoto, it is no wonder that follow me to definitely and students together to play more comfortable. I’m still Kyoto Hotel to he booked room?, originally wanted to retreat, but he said he wanted to live, I will leave the, said to is people are in Kyoto live with, would not worry about the housing problem, but his words must be staying in a hotel.

沖繩 酒店

這段時間年假休息,我帶著老婆孩子來沖繩遊玩,計畫著待三天就走,因為還要去別的地方。這次是我第二次來沖繩,記得上次是前幾年公司派我來沖繩出差,更讓我記憶猶新的事就是上次在沖繩 酒店那幾天。記得上次在沖繩 酒店是公司給安排好的,說實話我真是太滿足了。我在社會上也是闖蕩好久了,走過不少國家,在各個地方都住宿過。可是不管在哪里都感受不到在沖繩 酒店的熱情,和各種無微不至的待遇。所以這次帶老婆孩子來玩,我也是選擇了我上次在沖繩 酒店的地方。

