



chinese writing class

我和朋友打算去中國,可是對于漢語我們還真不是很了解,都只是一些簡單的認識。現在我剛好找個時間去chinese writing class好好實習下我們的漢語,這樣我們就能達中國后認真的學習,在chinese writing class里我們好好的學習,對我們去了中國后會更加的有幫助,這樣我們也能對漢語有了很深刻的認識和了解,因為漢語在全世界語言里還是很難懂的一種語言。只要我們能好好去學,就一定能把它學好,以后不管是寫作和交流都是對于我們很大的幫助的。我們倆個好好加油,爭取在最短的時間里學到更多的知識。


好不容易有了一個假期,我就想一個人獨自去旅遊,好好享受下一個人的時光,好讓自己的心靜一靜,在一個商場看到了非常漂亮的茶葉禮盒 ,聽營業員說這個茶葉非常好喝,我也親自品嘗了這個茶葉,覺得味道是老家沒有的,於是我就買了好幾盒茶葉禮盒 想著可以帶回家裡送給親人朋友。買了卻後悔了,因為自己一個人出來,多帶一點東西就有些不方便了,所以再也沒有心情逛了,就趕緊訂了機票飛回家了,把茶葉禮盒 送給了朋友親人,他們都說味道不錯呢。

Taipei hotel near MRT

My brother called me that let me go back this week, because my aunt will come from mainland China, we will go to pick up my aunt. Aunt also has good almost half a year did not come over, everyone is busy with work, just my aunt came to Taipei in the near run an errand, and how for a few days to see us. Aunt came on Saturday, my brother and I go to pick up, after receiving we call home in Taipei hotel near the MRT we go to dinner, we went to the Taipei hotel near the MRT when family members have arrived. We are happy together, eat ask aunt and his family are all very good, let’s don’t worry about it, and cousin, cousin they come back to us when you have time to play.

interior design firm singapore

Near my house there is a interior design firm, Singapore, the interior design firm Singapore designers are also very famous. My sister said to come to see me, my sister said she wanted to decorate the house, she want to go to my home near the interior design firm Singapore see? Just I don’t have anything this afternoon, I will accompany my sister go to see the interior design firm Singapore, into the interior design firm in Singapore is decorated is very good, I also like the interior design firm Singapore? My sister also give yourself looking for a designer, specially designed for her house renderings, the inside of the content is really too good, I also like the inside of the design effect. My sister is living in now? The interior design firm Singapore really is too good.



花蓮 民宿推薦

我跟你的貨我一個特別喜歡自由行的朋友前段時間去花蓮玩了一趟,她真的特別喜歡來著,我不是問她這次有什麼好玩的事嗎,她就說她這次體驗了一下花蓮民宿,真的是體會到不同的建築風格的感覺,我們過段時間也去玩幾天吧,真的被我朋友說的我也好想體會一下花蓮民宿,讓我那個朋友給我們花蓮 民宿推薦一下,有哪些有特點的民宿,最有人氣的花蓮民宿我們也去體驗一下,要不要讓我問一下我那朋友,讓她給我們花蓮 民宿推薦一下,我們直接選一個。



time attendance security door

I am because someone said that a time attendance quality security door particularly good, but the price is the best price in one, with the door of our company but also for a long time, I have been wanting to buy a new, but for a period of time before the special work busy no time to buy, until a few days before the work is not particularly busy, I had access to a Xiaguan in this information, then see the evaluation for the time attendance security door online especially high, plus around me there are a lot of people say this product is good, so I will choose to buy the time attendance security door, now used also really feel very good.