
My sister is in the Cambridge University, now I’m going to university, before also want to go to Cambridge University, parents said sister go to several years, they at home are very worried, and sister just go to Cambridge, home will obviously feel less happy, if I go to Cambridge University, as parents the remaining two home, will be very lonely, listen to mom and dad so say, I think I’ll go to Cambridge University that I and elder sister came back, although I can’t go to Cambridge University now, I will go, now she is back now, I think that I can go to Cambridge University, so excited

Taiwan Taipei hotel

The last time I and husband go to Taipei to travel, because I usually love is quiet, I do not want to make people more lively. See the online to see the Taiwan Taipei hotel before we set off accidentally, but that would have left the last room, I think it is also because the tourist season is concerned, I have seen all of the Taiwan Taipei Hotel rave reviews, I also hurriedly. I want to, since everyone on the Taiwan Taipei hotel evaluation so good, Taiwan Taipei hotel will also very well, otherwise you wouldn’t be so evaluation.

自助 婚紗

朋友說他現在是很想要去看看自己的自助 婚紗的,我說你就不知道想想其他的事情嗎。我朋友說其實看自助 婚紗也是要好好去看的,不然的話你自己都不知道該怎麼去做才好呢,我是覺得,我朋友要是買的自助 婚紗自己不喜歡的話,那麼她是不會穿的。她肯定會再去買的,所以說我就想,一定要給她挑好自助 婚紗才可以,我有的時候就是那種對人家的事情很熱心的類型,雖然我覺得是沒有必要的,但是我就是會去操心,我也不知道自己這樣是怎麼了。


當我知道我媽媽要去做中醫減肥的時候,我就想我媽媽怎麼突然要去做中醫減肥呢,我媽媽說你就不要管我了,我想去做中醫減肥就去了,到最後我才知道是我媽媽之前參加了他們的同學聚會,看到很多人都保養的很好,身材也很不錯,於是我媽媽受到了刺激,其實我自己是覺得, 我媽媽去做中醫減肥,我是不會反對的,所以說我現在在想,是不是我到最後也會像我媽媽這樣,變得很是在乎我周圍人怎麼樣呢,我覺得是人都會那樣吧,沒有辦法的事情。

beijing 5 star luxury hotels

I heard one of my colleagues also went to Beijing to play, I have been to last year, although very want to go again, but this year I have no time to travel, only to give up. Listen to others said he was Beijing 5 star luxury hotels there to live, I don’t know him in the Beijing 5 star luxury hotels lived it, think of the rich is different, it is to live in a place like that, I remember when I went to Beijing is in the vicinity of the station to Fasthotel. One day. After all, I am just an ordinary office worker, a time travel is very good, but do not want to live Beijing 5 star luxury hotels.

關島 旅遊

度蜜月的時候去關島 旅遊了,我覺得我們在去關島 旅遊的時候是最開心的幾天,雖然我也不知道自己那個時候到底在想什麼,但是我覺得自己去關島 旅遊的時候可以說是在很放鬆的去做自己想去做的事情的,我們在關島 旅遊的時候,拍了很多好看的照片,但是我發現在照片上的我都不怎麼好看,與我自己想的自己的樣子還是有很大差距的,到最後我才知道原來是我老公自己不怎麼會拍照,找的角度都不怎麼樣,那個時候我都不知道該說什麼好了。



5 Star Hotel Taipei

Taipei five-star hotel is really a lot of ah, I immediately to the Taipei is really looking forward to this hotel! The 5 Star Hotel Taipei that we will live in the hotel to see, I’ve seen on the website of the hotel’s photos, I feel really good! Now in the 5 Star Hotel Taipei after I feel than I see in the pictures on the website a lot better now, this hotel is really very good! If you can stay in the hotel which I think is a very good enjoyment! I’m really looking forward to this hotel to live a night, is really very comfortable!

台北 SPA

其實開始的時候我就知道他去做這個台北 SPA了,我知道男人都是很好這一口的!但是我真是懶得管他們啊,我知道這個台北 SPA還是很舒服的,我也是做過一次的!當時的感覺真是像是做了神仙一樣啊!現在他這么晚還沒有回來我真是覺得他跟他的朋友去做這個台北 SPA了,我現在就不想多管他,我覺得既然他想做的話那么就去做吧!只要是不出什么大的問題就好了,要是有時間的話我也是會跟我的姐妹們以去做這個台北 SPA,真是很舒服的呢!