





hualien accommodation

Mom told me that after her day with my father to travel to Taiwan, I asked my mother how she didn’t tell me earlier, I had arranged for her to the hotel, my mother told me that she had put the hotel arrangements at the Hualien accommodation, I heard my mother has arranged in Hualien accommodation, I let my mother at that time my father went to Taiwan tourism safety also take good care of yourself, my mom heard me say, you say I work very busy do not have to worry about her father and I went to Taiwan tourism thing, I’ll tell mother I work too busy to care for them, then my mother told me that she is from Taiwan came back to me.



Taiwan Taipei hotel

Oh my luck is good, a few days before going shopping, did not find was just encountered a mall three weeks commemorative celebrations, and shopping as well as raffle! I was happy to see a lottery, because I was eating at this time able to get the lottery five-day tour of Taiwan, but this time to travel or live in Taiwan Taipei hote, I am really so happy, and I think there is no more than a year to travel over, the draw such a good chance you can also stay in Taiwan Taipei hote, so I was particularly excited, now I’m particularly looking forward to this time of my travel, but also live in Taiwan Taipei hote so I got to enjoy! !







Taipei four star

We finally decided to hold the wedding in Taipei four star. Because her husband said to be held, then we co-workers to come, is also very convenient in Taipei four star, because our company is next to Taipei four star, for I will work to facilitate my husband also dedicated to the marriage room to buy in the next Taipei four star, I’ll go to work so much more convenient, but also not too crowded bus, a lot of our colleagues are envious of me, saying that I find the right person this time, they also asked me to say that this will not quarrel with her ​​husband does, I myself feel very happy. With my husband’s care, since it can be assured that my mother, my mother also said that she handed me over to my husband feel comfortable yet.