
最近這段時間工作特別的忙都很久沒有休息了,下午主任說公司決定放假兩天,聽了主任講的事情同事們都特別的開心 ,下午回到家裏之後我就告訴姐姐我們放假兩天的事情,姐姐聽了我講的事情就說她要去澎湖民宿遊玩就問我要不要跟她一塊去澎湖民宿遊玩說是我可以換個環境放鬆一下心情,聽了姐姐講的事情我就說我這兩天打算在家裏好好休息一下,不想出去玩了,姐姐聽到我那樣講就說我下次要是想去澎湖民宿遊玩的話她再帶我去。

Taipei hotel near mrt

Now Taipei hotel near MRT. I am now working to be convenient, the morning also don’t get up so early, can sleep. Today is the weekend I went to a friend’s house, a friend said she knew Taipei hotel near MRT on the saying is I now work Is it right? More convenient, listening to friends talk about things I said is much more convenient I don’t have to squeeze the bus every morning, friends heard me say that you said yes, said she can now admire me said she wants to move in with me., listening to friends talk about things I would say if she wants to move to where I can go, just two of us living together can also hear me say, friends said she consider.

Taipei Japanese restaurant

Went to Taipei last week a friend there to play, she invited me to Taipei Japanese restaurant for dinner. This is my first time to eat so authentic Japanese cuisine, because Taipei Japanese restaurant is owned by the japanese. From Taiwan, Japan is also relatively close, so here is also a lot of japanese. Our inland Japanese cuisine done are not very authentic, so taste is not very good, in the Taipei Japanese restaurant I eat authentic Japanese Food, is really too delicious, still lead a person to endless aftertastes. If I have time I will go to Taipei Japanese restaurant, the time to call on more friends to go there to play, must be in the Taipei Japanese restaurant and a good meal.



where to stay in Taipei

Sign up to play in Taiwan to the travel agency yesterday, but forgot to ask someone where to stay in Taipei, to travel the words live what hotel should also ask, this problem should be everyone will ask, I also really have enough memory is bad, so the important thing forgot to ask, in is a phone call to ask the travel agency where to stay in Taipei. Listen to what they said the hotel is very good, I also was more at ease, the most afraid of some travel agencies in order to save money, just give a person find some cheap hotel, where the conditions are certainly not with hotel than. So this matter must ask it.

日本 高級不動產

要說做日本 高級不動產也不錯,雖然前期的投資不少,不過回報也很可觀,不過這次合作的對象是這幾年才發展起來的小公司,不知道實力如何。但是聽說還是很不錯的,像日本 高級不動產就是他們公司預先提出來的,現在看來人家也是很有眼光的,我覺得應該試試看。我們公司是只負責施工,地產這方面就是他們的事情了,日本 高級不動產我們也不是沒有做過,之前那個就很不錯,這次的投資項目如果合作好了的話,對兩家公司來說都是非常好的一件事。

日本 不動產 投資

剛剛我朋友給我打電話,說他對日本 不動產 投資很感興趣,問我要不要和他一起,雖然我對日本 不動產 投資很感興趣,不過我不知道朋友的具體情況,就跟他說要考慮看看。說實話日本 不動產 投資我也是今年才剛剛開始做,因為國內的投資空間不大,我們也爭不到什麽好項目,所以就打算投資國外的地產項目了,我們公司算是比較有實力的,雖然特別大的項目拿不來,不過一些小一點的項目是絕對沒問題的,估計朋友就是看到我們公司的實力,才想跟我們合作的吧。

osaka hotel

On a trip to let me know the current boyfriend, he is a very interested in Japanese history, often throughout Japan study tours, he and I are in the Osaka Hotel know, I follow the travel agency to go, just live in Osaka Hotel, accidentally discovered his this person really knowledge very profound, but also talk very interesting. And he talked up, feeling really very in tune, then gradually familiar. Now we intercourse has for several years, is going to get married next year, I think if the honeymoon, or go to Japan, go to what we know about, really feel very romantic

japan hotel

People in this life if only work and home is really boring, occasionally travel is also very good, don’t need to tell what people go, oneself can go for a return, this time I quit the job soon, my parents says has helped me find a good next work, but do not think that quickly back into the job, I want to go out for a walk, meaning it’s a person to travel. In the Japan Hotel above the selected my love’s room, I was off, a person does sometimes feel quite convenient, as I now look like this, like the Japan Hotel book, if with friends together, also taking into account his preferences, this is actually a very troublesome.

台湾 凤梨酥

晚上刚刚下班回去,朋友就问我要不要一起去外面吃饭,我问他想吃什么呀,他说不知道呢,不过他这会有点想吃台湾 凤梨酥了,就想去超市买点呢,正好也到了吃饭的时间了,就顺便去把饭也一吃,我说那等会我,我把东西放下,和他一起超市,刚好我要去超市买点东西呢,他说那好让我快一点,在去的路上我问他怎麽突然想去嘱台湾 凤梨酥了呀,他说刚刚回来的时候,他看到路边有一个小孩在吃台湾 凤梨酥呢,那会他就有点想吃了,就想著回来后和我一起去买呢