Taipei Japanese restaurant

A few days ago I said to a friend of mine took me to a special restaurant inside to eat it, for me to eat in this area, but is very dependent on my friends do, no way Who let this guy is a master of it downright food goods, Taiwan these relatively well-known restaurant of my friends have become their regulars yet. That said, take me to a particular restaurant my heart is still looking forward to conceal it. But then my friend took me to this Taipei Japanese restaurant did not let me down yet. The Taipei Japanese restaurant inside the cooking is very good too, but things do particularly authentic and I studied in Japan before eating those dishes it worse.

kyoto hotel

爸爸在京都上班,所以我們兩個一年也見不了幾回面,可是這次我放暑假了我就想跟爸爸生活一段時間,而我跟媽媽又在東京生活,所以為了見到我爸爸,我就獨自一人來到了京都,還好我提前在(kyoto hotel)預定好了房間,所以我下了新幹線之後,就直接坐車來到了(kyoto hotel),我想著這裡離我爸爸的給公司也很近,而爸爸這個時候是上班時間,等他下了班之後我在給她說是我在(kyoto hotel),估計會給爸爸一個大大的驚喜的,因為他並不知道我這麼快就已經來了京都。



sales Training

公司的這次這個(sales Training)還真的是很不錯呢,我反正是很喜歡的,因為之前我有好多問題都不會,有的問同事們,他們也不知道呢,而且有的給我說的也不對,所以我也就在沒有問了,現在有了這個(sales Training),我就特別的喜歡聽呢,因為這里能解決我的好多問題呢,對于之前我好多的困惑也都是解決了,真的是太開心了,而且通過這些東西我現在的這個業務也是越來越好了呢,我們經理都說我的進步還真的是挺大的呢,還真的是很感謝這個(sales Training)呢,讓我學到這麼多。



Triple offset butterfly valve

I may be a lack of knowledge of it, just the construction on some of the factory that will initially transport pipeline I use some of the more common of the valve, and not in accordance with the specifications of track installation Triple offset butterfly valve. Initially the plant when I think my experience in all aspects of all kind of maturity, when the plant had insufficient manpower is not to hire a professional and technical personnel, the factory will be no pipeline installation Triple offset butterfly valve. Two years my factory development is very good, technical personnel of various departments have also recruited, technical staff that need to be replaced with ordinary Dharma Triple offset butterfly valve, I also agreed.






我在台北已经生活了很多年了,所以也算是对这里已经很了解了,不然的話当我在大陆的亲戚想要来台北的时候,都给我打电话呢,他们打电话的目的只有一个,那就是让我给他们一个好的酒店推薦,我想了想就把 台北商务酒店推荐給了他们,因为我觉得 台北商务酒店离车站也近,而且这跟前的环境也都很好,所以他们来台北要是住在这里的话,晚上还可以下来走走呢。欣赏台北的繁华都市,我想他们会接受我的 台北商务酒店推荐还有另外一个原因,那就是这里也很便宜,刚好这家酒店的经理我也认识,所以还会给打个折扣呢,到时候他们肯定愿意来这里住的。

Triple offset butterfly valve

My husband’s company is producing similar Triple offset butterfly valve of mechanical parts, of course, including Triple offset butterfly valve, so I am also very honored, because I’m gettin ‘a plant, just need to Triple offset butterfly valve such Components. So I asked my husband to give me help, with their company, see if you can give us this small factory also provide sourcing, my husband came back to my reply is that he is very happy to work with my boss, but the price will give we offer a lot, and then I heard, that the husband helped me a lot, and since there is a chance, sure to please their boss Jia Zuozuo it to us, but also be grateful to him for me now!